- Eulogy by James Lipscomb, Apr. 15, 2011, containing ...
- Eldest Son. He lived for two hours.
- Swingle Accident. Bill's attempt to save the life of Elizabeth Swingle.
- Next Generation. An old person may pull the child aside to pass along the important.
- Friends. Bill had many quiet friends, but we never have so many close friends.
- Forgiveness. Forgiveness to the son. Forgiveness to the father.
- A Celebration of Life Service. Memorial Church, Harvard Yard, Cambridge, MA, Sept. 10, 2011, containing ...
- Dudley Herschbach. Choosing very challenging problems.
- E. J. Corey. Bill’s wide interests were important for him as a scientific adviser.
- Eric Gouaux. Bill’s dream of being a physicist not possible: in physics he could not make mistakes fast enough.
- Jim Lipscomb. Eldest son. Swingle accident. Forgiveness.
- Stan Ovshinsky. Bill the riff-ster in science, music, art, and comedy.
- Janet Conrad. Bill’s room was a disaster area. The Yes-bell Uncle.
- Jenna Lipscomb. No different from anyone else's family. Or so I thought.
- Marc Abrahams. Bill was game for anything, and he could make anything work.
- David Lawton. Secret music scholarship. Bill made those around him better.
- Music
- Musicians. Music House Party players and friends of the family.
- Reception After the Celebration of Life Service. Transcription of video provided to this website by Marc Abrahams, Sept. 10, 2011. Informal party chat, not polished, prepared speeches, containing ...
- Richard Baguley. The only Nobel Prize winner that I have spilled wine on.
- Brooks. Playing blocks with the kids.
- Brian Conway. Sharing his knowledge of his butterflies with the second-grade class.
- Roberta Gilbert. At the Ig Nobel performance he totally got into it.
- D.C. Goodwin. Reading books to the kindergarten kids.
- Dudley Herschbach. Bill's courtesy a factor in bringing Hershbach to Harvard.
- Marianne Perry. Sugar is bad. (Bill avoided sucrose in favor of glucose.)
- Harriet Provine. Bill's many molecular models.
- Marjorie Stanischov. Taught piano by Bill's sister, Helen.
- Josie Stein. New Year's eve chamber music at the Stein's house.
- Tom Steitz. No appointment needed to see Bill.
- Joan and Tom Steitz. Bill matches Tom with his future wife.
- Naomi Stephen. Bill outmaneuvers the bra strap fastener.
- Peaco Todd. Bill makes a break for it in his walker.
Remembrances external to this website are listed in the posthumous honors section of Lipscomb's CV:
- Obituaries, articles, fellowships, books, and meetings in honor of William Lipscomb.
-- Sept. 2011, last updated Mar. 2023,
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