William Lipscomb Home Page
Biographical Information and Publications
Science Humor
Nobel Prize Scrapbook
Scientific Aggression as a Way of Life
Early-Years Family Stories
Photos from Bill's collection.
William Lipscomb
William Lipscomb
William Lipscomb: Symposium in his honor at the University of Denver, 1985
William Lipscomb: Symposium in his honor at the University of Denver, 1985
William Lipscomb: "fitting" a Kendrew model of a protein to its electron density map in a Richards Box.
(Posed picture: the plastic sheets have been pulled to the right (from where they should be) to get Bill's reflection for the photo.)
William Lipscomb at his desk
William Lipscomb
William Lipscomb:
William Lipscomb in Japan holding his Kentucky Colonel card by a statue of Colonel
Photo © 1979 Jean C. Evans under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. (You are free to copy, distribute, etc. with attribution)
William Lipscomb playing the clarinet at music camp, his few weeks of vacation each summer
William Lipscomb playing the clarinet at the wedding of his student Tom Steitz and Joan Argetsinger (at right)
William Lipscomb, University of Kentucky, senior year, 1941
William Lipscomb college years, University of Kentucky band, 1938
William Lipscomb dressed for a school play, age 11
William Lipscomba: age 3, hand-colored photo
William Lipscomb: infant, Georgetown, Kentucky
-- July 2010, last updated Dec. 2010,Home page https://wlipscomb.tripod.com/
Work on this page (text and images) is by http://wlipscomb.tripod.com and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. You are free to copy, distribute, transmit, and modify the work for both commercial and non-commercial uses. You must attribute the work to website http://wlipscomb.tripod.com
The professional photoshots on this page were done for William Lipscomb for his use, not for third-parties, and so are covered under this Creative Commons license, not owned by others. Reprinted on this website with permission from William Lipscomb.
Exception: See as noted for the photo of Bill with the Kentucky Colonel statue above by Bil l's wife Jean C. Evans. Reprinted on this website with permission from Jean C. Evans.