James S. Lipscomb

photo of James

Retired Cyber Security Engineer

Home: lipscomb@optonline.net



Retired Cyber Security Engineer (2016 - 2025)

  See Details section below.

IBM (2012 - 2016)

See Details section below.


IBM (1987-2016)

UNC (1972 - 1987)

Early work (1967 - 1976)

Other projects


Specialties: Cyber security, large systems, media, interactive computer graphics, animation. 

This is an expanded version of my Linkedin page, adding patents and hotlinks.



cable lock
(notional view)

Retired Cyber Security Engineer


2016 - 2025, Yorktown Heights, NY

Live penetration testing using:

Certifications: None.
However, I have self-studied the following certifications:

Self-studied to an introductory level:

Warning: Old cyber security technologies (basic and special-purpose) permeate these certification courses, although old is still useful.

To find current cyber security technologies (comprehensive, multi-purpose packages) a starting place is CyberDefense Magazine:

  1. See cyberdefenseawards.com,
  2. at top of page expand dropdown Past Awards,
  3. find links to InfoSec Awards ... Winners and (if present) to Global Defense Award Winners.
  1. See cyberdefensemagazine.com,
  2. If you see a popup that says "Subscribe to Cyber Defense Magazine:", fill it out, click Submit, and you are done.
  3. else:
    1. at top of page expand dropdown Magazines,
    2. click Become a Member, and follow instructions.

For my IBM cyber security work see next section immediately below:

Federal Software

Senior Software Engineer


2012 - 2016 Somers NY and Hawthorne NY

CyberSecurity Projects


Federal Software

Senior Software Engineer


2004 - 2016 Somers NY and Hawthorne NY

Virtual world showing
        enterprise software Virtual world showing        enterprise software




Records Management

Senior Software Engineer


2003 - 2004 (1 year) Hawthorne, NY

Rows of document


IBM Records Manager, which automatically deletes expired documents. Product. Software Group.

I was co-instructor for two courses on IBM Records Manager software presented to IBM Business Partners. I was Lead Architect on the document management aspect of a National Archives bid.


Video Search

Senior Software Engineer


2001 - 2003 (2 years) Hawthorne, NY

MPS video search screen


Video storage and search system used by CNN: Media Production Suite (MPS) Services Offering. Software Group.

The system started production at CNN in May, 2002:
"CNN Video Archives to Become Digital Database", Stellin, S., New York Times, Apr, 23, 2001.

I was Team Lead for the Manual Cataloging component with which users edit catalog records.



TV Set-top Box Purchase from Mobile PDA

Senior Software Engineer


2000 - 2001 (1 year) Hawthorne, NY

HotMedia TV screen


TV set-top box purchase dialogs: HotMedia TV, Palm Pilot Mobile PDA handheld media display and control of TV SetTop box. A PC application inserted buying opportunities into streaming video, and a PDA connected to a set-top box to direct it to buy merchandise. Software Group.

I designed and programmed the set-top Box WebSphere purchase dialog controlled over TCP by interactions on Palm Pilot handheld PDAs.  I also programmed reading and animating HotMedia MVR files on Palm Pilots, and animating images on Palm Pilots.  Language: C.



Internet Media E-commerce Animation

Senior Software Engineer


1998 - 2000 (2 years) Hawthorne, NY

HM Web animation


Rich media in a web browser using Java: HotMedia for e-commerce including scrolling and animation. Internet Division.  HotMedia, originally a separate offering, became a part of IBM WebSphere Studio.

I designed and programmed flipbook animation, transition effects, and scrolling, also much of hotlinking, banner ads, and the panorama application. Language: Java.



System awards

Internet Media Panorama

Research Staff Member


1995 - 1998 (3 years) Hawthorne, NY



Panoramic display in  a web browser: PanoramIX, pans a wide-angle image with hyperlinks: Web browser plug-in / ActiveX control. Research Division.

I designed and programmed user interactions, hotlinks, animated sprites, streaming-video overlay and underlay, color-map reconciliation, performance improvements, etc. Language: C.



CAD Stereo HMD

Research Staff Member


1994 - 1995 (1 year) Hawthorne, NY

_3DIX stereo glasses_3DIX


Stereoscopic and head-mounted display for CAD (Computer Assisted Design): IBM 3D Interaction Accelerator. Walkthrough with a VR flavor, Research Division.

I designed and programmed stereoscopic and head-mounted display (Overview, User's guide) on a variety of IBM and SGI graphics adapters, in most cases automatically detecting the adapter and its options. Stereo is controlled by a Motif user interface and features menus that appear to remain stationary on the display screen as display resolution is changed. Automated stereo depth adjustment maintains comfortable viewing effortlessly (a second version of this algorithm worked a little better by inspecting the depth buffer each update in a quick, intelligent way to maintain comfortable viewing, but this version was too machine-dependent to deploy).  Language: C.

Besides traditional shutter glasses stereo, I also modified the 3DIX (CADSight) system to produce chromostereo red-blue depth image in real time. These have stereoscopic depth when viewed with diffraction-grating glasses (not the usual red - green/blue glasses).

I connected stereoscopic systems of the day to IBM workstations. Stereoscopic display details for IBM RISC System/6000 workstations and for the IBM GXT1000 graphics adapter.



System award

Virtual Reality Stereo

Research Staff Member


1989 - 1994 (5 years) Hawthorne, NY



Shared virtual reality system: VRDECK. Research Division

I designed and programmed transformations for head-tracked stereoscopic display on head-mounted displays, projection screens, and monitors, and a coordinate-transformation toolkit. Language: C++.



Stroke Recognition Mobile PDA

Visiting Scientist


1987 - 1989 (2 years) Hawthorne, NY

Stroke recognition


Stroke recognizer using a stylus on an LCD tablet: Paper-like Interface. Research Division,  Mobile PDA device.

I designed and programmed the gesture recognizer for markups: summation (above), brackets, circle, insert, delete, etc., replacing a hard-coded recognizer by a table-driven recognizer that is faster and more accurate using a multi-scale approach. Other people wrote the text recognizer (letters and numbers). Language: C.

Video, 1988.  My gesture-recognizer is used throughout the video, and my gesture trainer is shown from 2:10 - 2:30.



System award

Visiting Research Assistant Professor and other Post Doc positions

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

1981 - 1987 (6 years) Chapel Hill, NC


I did molecular graphics research, and I taught Computer Graphics, a graduate semester course, 1983

3-D animation in a movie in limited theatrical release

Frame from The Magic Egg
We did motion blur of vector images.  The algorithm was a double exponential function of brightness vs. speed.  No dropped frames in our movie segment, because we checked for tape-write errors.


Video publications

Molecular Computer Graphics

Research Assistant

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

1973 - 1981 (8 years) Chapel Hill, NC

GRIP-75 workstation_GRIP-75 screen


GRIP-75, said to be the first computer graphics system on which the atomic structure of a large molecule was determined. Crystallographers determined the atomic structure of about two dozen proteins and one transfer RNA using this system.  Category: Life Sciences.

I was one of the four chief designers and programmers. I designed and programmed the GRIP-75 Client interactive and dynamic loops, nested rotations for viewpoint control, translation and rotation of manipulated unit and its nesting within viewpoint rotation, rocking and spinning and their controls, relative and depth intensity cues, time-division and space-division stereoscopic display, and top-level inter-machine communications. Language: PL/I subset/variant for soft real time.

I taught Introduction to PL/I Using Calculus, an undergraduate semester course,1980.


Published separately but also included in the dissertation above:

Quantum Chemistry


Eli Lilly and Company

1976 - 1976 (less than a year) Indianapolis, IN


I did quantum chemistry programming. Language: FORTRAN IV. (Second of two jobs at Eli Lilly)

Business Data Processing

Teaching Assistant

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

1972 - 1973 (1 year) Chapel Hill, NC

I was the Grader and Help Desk for Computer Science course on Business Data Processing, COMP 118. Language: PL/I.

Online Inquiry, Help Desk


University of Toronto

1972 - 1972 (less than a year) Toronto, Canada


I programmed an on-line inquiry system in APL and manned the APL Help Desk. Summer job.



Lafayette College

1972 - 1972 (less than a year) Easton, PA

I taught the programming language APL in a no-credit, 1-week, Computer Center course. Unpaid volunteer. Mathematics Professor William R. Jones, who took my course, later with Clifford Reiter wrote the book, APL with a Mathematical Accent, Brooks/Cole Pub. Co., 1990.

Quantum Chemistry


Eli Lilly and Company

1970 - 1970 (less than a year) Indianapolis, IN


I did molecular dipole-moment and other quantum chemistry programming. Language: FORTRAN IV. (First of two jobs at Eli Lilly). Summer job.

X-ray Crystallography


Harvard University

1969 - 1969 (less than a year) Cambridge, MA


I translated a 2,000-line x-ray crystallography program in IBM 7094 Assembly Language to FORTRAN IV. Chemistry Department. Unpaid volunteer. Summer job.

Shipping Boy

Superior Laundry

1968 - 1968 (less than a year) 10 Moulton St. (demolished), Cambridge, MA

The front desk called a number down, and I put cleaned clothes on the conveyer belt up. Folded and baled hotel towels. In between I wrote programs in FORTRAN II-D.

GPA and Class Ranking


Belmont Hill School

1968 - 1968 (less than a year) Belmont, MA


I wrote a program that calculated grade point averages and class ranking for all students in all grades. I also did the data entry and report generation. Unpaid volunteer. Language: APL.


Teaching Assistant

Belmont Hill School

1967 - 1967 (less than a year) Belmont, MA

I manned the help desk for a 4-week course in the APL programming language. Summer job.

Other Projects

Personal written publications

2009 - 2015

A Family Perspective Lipscomb, J.S., 55 pp. In The Selected Papers of William N. Lipscomb, Jr. A Legacy in Structure-Function Relationships. Edited by Jianpeng Ma, Imperial College Press / World Scientific Publishing Co. Volume 4 in the series ICP Selected Papers.  448 pp.  Sept. 2 (2013).  ICP Press, Amazon.

Personal invited talks

2011 - 2014

Invited lectures

1978 - 2006

Personal music and art publications

1969 - 1977

Recorded Music (french horn)

Prizewinning Computer Art (Language: FORTRAN II-D)


Other Computer Art (Language: FORTRAN II-D)



Association for Computing Machinery


Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Sigma Xi

Full Life Member
The Scientific Research Society

Volunteer Experience & Causes

IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)

2010 - 2022

IEEE Tappan Zee Subsection, New York.

Highlight: Mobile device display reformatting when tilted between portrait and landscape mode.  Language: Javascript.

Highlight: Mobile device and Windows 8: large favicons on this and on some other websites I edit.  Language: HTML.

Assistant Webmaster

BSA (Boy Scouts of America)

2006 - 2016 (10 years)

BSA Ktemaque Lodge #15 WWW (2016), Order of the Arrow, Westchester-Putnam Council, BSA.

Fixed problems the webmaster could not handle: on the website and publishing the printed newsletter using Adobe PageMaker and Scribus.  Routine duties: Photo editing (making bad pictures good), maintaining the Contact Us (2016) webpage as an image (for security), and converting the member spreadsheet to mailing labels.


BSA (Boy Scouts of America)

2000 - 2007 (7 years)

BSA Troop 174, Yorktown Heights (2008), New York.

Skills & Expertise


University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

M.S. and Ph.D., Computer Science
1972 - 1981

University of Wisconsin-Madison

(Summer), Computer Science

Lafayette College

Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Physics
1968 - 1972


JL riding bicycle

Honors and Awards

IEEE: Region 1, Outstanding Support for the Mission Award:
For outstanding dedication and service to the IEEE Tappan Zee Subsection for improving and maintaining the website, 2013.

SPIE: Conference Co-Chair. SPIE The International Society for Optical Engineering and SPSE The Society for Imaging Science and Technology, Merritt, J.A., and Fisher, S., Editors:

System Awards (See System Award lists above for)

IBM Awards

ACM: SIGGRAPH Pioneer (for work in 1968 on computer art above published in 1969, under the original rule for qualification).

Sigma Xi: Full Membership, nominated in 1980.

Total: 75 publications = 39 papers + 28 patents + 1 book chapter + 2 music + 5 art


Last updated January 2025.