Professor Lipscomb Goes Shopping

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Professor Lipscomb
These photographs document one of Professor William Lipscornb’s frequent trips to his favorite local market. They were first seen as part of the 8th First Annual Ig Nobel Prize Ceremony, held in October, 1998 [see AIR 5:1 for details]. At the ceremony, a collection of Professor Lipscomb’s shopping lists was auctioned off for the benefit of the local public school science programs.

"Professor Lipscomb Goes Shopping" was shown, in the form of a projected slide show, just prior to the auction. Potential bidders could thus see that the shopping lists were genuine. William Lipscomb is a professor emeritus at Harvard University and a Nobel Laureate (1976) in Chemistry.


Volume 6, Number 3

May/June Special Crime & Punishment Issue

Reprinted from the Annals of Improbable Research, v. 6, # 3, May/June, pp. 16-17 with permission of Marc Abrahams, editor of the Annals of Improbable Research, who has reviewd this entry. Public evidence of this may be seen in that the Annals of Improbable Research links to this "web site with lots of info about Bill."

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